Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tilapia Grilled in Foil Packets

It was too hot to bake, and I wasn't sure how to grill tilapia. Thank goodness for Google. I searched for a grilled tilapia recipe and some lunatics out there actually tell you to grill the fish, right on the grill grates! Oiled of course, but still! There is no way I could pull that one off. Thankfully I happened upon foil packet recipes and came up with this one. I didn't have lemon, so I used lime. I don't really recommend that, it turned really bitter. Is that what happens to limes, but not lemons? Every recipe I saw said to use lemons. Oh well, it was edible. Fiance actually took some to work and ate it cold on a salad. I'm so proud of him! We are rocking this 21DSD journey!

Use lemons not limes, they make stuff weird
12 tilapia filets, thawed
2 small shallots, chopped
4 cloves garilc, chopped
1- 2 lemons, sliced
salt and pepper

Preheat grill to 350 degrees.
Mix shallots and garlic in a small bowl, set aside. Place fish in the center of a foil square. We had 3 filets in one foil packet, so you'll want to do four packets of three filets each. Evenly divide the shallot mixture amongst the 4 packets. Place a lemon slice or two in each packet. If you like lemon, add more or less to your tastes. Sprinkle fish with salt and pepper. Fold the packet long ways first, then the sides. Google foil packet if you've never done it. You want your packet to be air tight, the fish will essentially steam in the packet.
Place on grill and leave on there at 350 degrees for 15 min. Our grill may have been a bit hotter. These were possibly over done at 15 min. Just make sure you are careful when you open that foil packet and make sure your fish are done.

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